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ago by (140 points)

This statement is true but could be seen as exaggerated. A boost in the economy is defined as, "An increase in the production of economic goods and services in one period of time compared with a previous period" (https://www.investopedia.com/terms/e/economicgrowth.asp). Using this standard, The Oregon vs Ohio game would meet this criteria because like the article states, ticket prices in Eugene are a median of 151 dollars (https://www.budgetyourtrip.com/hotels/united-states-of-america/eugene-5725846), whereas during the weekend of the game, the average hotel price is ranging from 299-444 (Hotels.com), or they are completely sold out. Although this statement is true, this article does not go into detail about how this game will have a lasting effect on the Eugene economy, so the title could be seen as exaggerated. 

ago by (140 points)
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I agree with your assessment that claiming the upcoming game would create an economic boost could be misleading. However, after reviewing the original article, that claim doesn't appear to be made, including the title which is focused on hotel and ticket prices.
ago by (140 points)
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I agree with your fact-check of the claim. I agree that the game will definitely bring money into the Eugene economy but it likely won't have a lasting impact because people are traveling in just for the game. Overall I agree with your take on the claim.
ago by (100 points)
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I loved the way you used sources to prove how the title is misleading. The title implies that it will have a lasting effect, when in reality it is just a popular weekend. I agree with your claim.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
This is really informative! I agree and I believe that during gamedays in Eugene probably makes the economy do very well! While thinking about economics, I would argue that the microeconomics probably also do very well; using more resources that are less formal such as Snapchat or Instagram; though these apps arent good for true facts or anything of the such, theyre good for comparison of ticket pricing. I have seen people on the UO Snapchat stories selling tickets for much more.
ago by (140 points)
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i enjoyed how you used sources to prove that this was misleading. the title of this article shows that it will have a lasting impact, when this is actually just a very popular weekend with gameday being here. i agree with this claim.
ago by (140 points)
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From my perspective, the title not so much as implies that there will be a lasting effect as much as just says there will be a boost. Nothing is said about how long it will last. Therefore the details in the article stand to uphold that specific claim, simply citing high ticket and hotel prices.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I appreciate how you described important terms necessary to determine the claim's validity. For example, the exact economic growth needed to be considered a boost in the economy. I also appreciated how you explained the specific of Oregon's economic "boost" to give a more specific understanding to your viewers regarding how big the boost is rather than just saying the claim is true.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I have read your fast check claim, and I would agree with what you said. I liked how you use your sources and explained how you were using them. I do think that the article didn’t really talk or say that, because of this game the economy was going to boost for a “lasting effect”. I would also disagree that the statement is exaggerated because I feel like it talks about how the money is coming in for the reason  of the game which brings a positive economic boost to Eugene.

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