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in General Factchecking by (190 points)
People who are single are happier because they are living their most authentic lives without having to worry about someone else.
by (100 points)
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The way you evaluated the source of this article was great! it is so important to make sure to check the source of your information to not fall for fake news or misinformation. I agree that BuzzFeed News is typically not a very reliable source, and there are better places to find credible information!
ago by Newbie (480 points)
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Well, I believe that single people can be happier, I think what you are missing when creating a claim like this (even with evidence) you aren't looking at the happiness of people in healthy relationships and the aspects that are making them, "happier" maybe just in a different form. While I liked that you had a source to back your claim up... I was kind of hoping for more within the explanation.
ago by (160 points)
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This although true to many is not a factual claim but instead a varying opinion. Single or In a relationship an authentic life can be lived. The claim of worrying about others can be true but it is not directly connected to being in a relationship. People can feel worry for anyone significant other or not. Many people find significant happiness within relationships as well. This claim lacks a lot of substantial facts. The article is not able to demonstrate a population statistic that covers everyone in relationships and or single. This statement is more a personal opinion that Varys based on person than a logical claim.
ago by (100 points)
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This is both true and false in a lot of ways, and incredibly objective because a single person and one who is in a committed, happy relationship, can both say they're happier. Personally, I think somebody who is single can be happy with themselves, secured and confident, THRIVING doing whatever they're doing, alone. Somebody who has a partner may say that by being with their partner/ in a relationship, they're happy to find their companion, somebody who makes them happier than they were before, and etc. This is completed based on their experiences and how they perceived themselves in and out of a relationship. Buzzfeed News is a very objective and unserious source to use as well. Although this article: https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/nearly-half-of-u-s-adults-say-dating-has-gotten-harder-for-most-people-in-the-last-10-years/
have a few data evidence, most of these just proved that our dating world have changed.
ago by (180 points)
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Reading this article did resonate with me personally due to my opinionated belief in that I am less consumed and essentially "happier" that I am single. However, there is no definite way to confirm that this theory is fully truthful. The idea that single life generates happiness is objective and based on personal experiences. Although it is typical or common for relationships in this day to be 'toxic' or 'unhealthy' there are some that aren't that way. The article did state facts that support the said claim. Including statistics such as the "40% of adults between ages 25 and 54" are un partnered. This data does help prove the point credible however there are too many variables to claim this as a fact.

18 Answers

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by (140 points)

This article isn't very factual. Sure people who are single have a right to be happy, but that generally doesn't mean everyone is going to be. While it did give factual data from census reports of 2019, (https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2020/08/20/nearly-half-of-u-s-adults-say-dating-has-gotten-harder-for-most-people-in-the-last-10-years/) and (https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2021/10/05/rising-share-of-u-s-adults-are-living-without-a-spouse-or-partner/#:~:text=A%20new%20Pew%20Research%20Center,nor%20living%20with%20a%20partner.&text=This%20share%20is%20up%20sharply%20from%2029%25%20in%201990.&text=Men%20are%20now%20more%20likely,the%20case%2030%20years%20ago.) That comes from a research institution called, The Pew Research Center that shares info about attitudes, trends, issues, etc. These reports don't state how the high rises of "single life" or how "dating has gotten hard" relate to higher rates of happiness, they're just general information done which doesn't really back up the article. The original article tends to be from more of a personal view than from an overall view of everyone. Plus, it seems to lack overall evidence towards the statement of how being single equals "happiness" by giving us stories of other people who are going through these processes, which makes it pretty biased in return. 

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by (190 points)
I agree with this because yes, single people get more time to focus and work on themselves, but at the same time, having another person who's there for you and to support you tends to create a bigger boost of happiness and mental health. It just differs for everyone.
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by (140 points)

According to Buzzfeed News, single individuals lead happier, more genuine lives. Since relationships are personal and this is a general statement, I find it difficult to accept this claim right away. I believe that topic is very subjective and subject to bias based on individual experiences, even given the numbers. Upon verifying this claim, I found no further news sources that support it, and buzzfeed isn't a trustworthy news source in the first place.

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ago by Newbie (300 points)

The claim "People who are single are happier." made by this article is a dangerously subjective claim that cannot be proven either right or wrong. Aside from the subjective claim the article does not explore both sides of the argument throughly enough for author to have reliability. The article explores the struggles of dating but does not explore any counter arguments about contentment and happiness within relationships. Overall the article was mostly unreliable as the author takes true facts and twists them into one thought process without substantial backing. I would consider this article to be much too subjective to be true as well as construed in a misleading way in order to guide readers into one idea.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (300 points)
Although this statement might feel true to most, it is more of an opinion rather then a fact that can be proven by supporting evidence. Of course people can find happiness in a relationship, but also some people are happier being on their own and not with someone. The claim itself is lacking a lot of supporting and substantial evidence. The claim of stressing or worrying about others might be true at times, but someone can have these same feelings for someone not being in a relationship. The article also never shows any numbers proving people are happier in relationships. All together, this claim might be a fact for one person but could be false to the next person.
Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by (180 points)

This article shows that single people nowadays are happier and overall enjoy life when single. The happiest singles enjoy strong social relationships with their friends and family, high self-esteem, and favorable personality traits. the article links data of the happiness of singles.


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ago by Newbie (220 points)
I agree with this claim. This author did a good job of using other research and putting it in the article. After reading this it makes sense and as a reader, you create a better understanding for the pros and cons of the claim. A topic that is missing in this article is that they are missing the point on how it makes single people happy it could just be a "better decision" for the readers of this article. Individual preferences and experiences play a significant role in happiness, making it essential to consider a broader range of studies on life satisfaction across different relationship statuses for a more nuanced understanding.
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ago by Newbie (220 points)
This article explains that being single in today's society leads to more happiness and are living their most authentic lives. The claim that "single people are happier" is based on what others have experienced after they had been on dates or in relationships that have not been good for them mentally. Although yes, being single can be more beneficial to your health and can make you feel like your life is better, the article by Anna Brown doesn't support that claim. The article by Natalia Sarkisian and Naomi Gerstel, provided says that marriage is not what most people nowadays all looking forward to or ever want, doesn't prove that they are happier. In the Bible, it states that men shouldn't be alone and that the women can be his helper, not saying anything about how the women is happier without taking care of a man.

I believe that this claim is just based on what people have said and they don't provide the correct data to support their claim.



Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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