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in General Factchecking by Newbie (250 points)

Sleep is extremely important for the human body. Studies have found that those who get less than six hours of sleep consistently are more likely to die earlier than those who get more sleep.


by Newbie (310 points)
1 0
I think this claim has solid validity and a good use of evidence and datasets from studies that show the correlation between the two. I feel like a lot of the claims on here lack validity due to the non-existent or very little use of study based evidence or may present it in a misleading way. so I think this was a good claim with good backing which makes me more inclined to believe this claim due to the factors I listed.
by (180 points)
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I believe the claim to be true because there is such thing as sleep deprivation and this is based off of my own knowledge but you could die if you don't sleep at all. So I believe if you have this bad habit and you live your whole life like this you could lose some years. If you fix these habits I think you'll be just fine. I love your sources to by the way really gives you more depth about the study and statement making it even more buyable as a reader.
by Newbie (200 points)
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I like how you connected sleep deprivation to life expectancy—it’s a good point that highlights how serious sleep health is. But I think it’s important to note that not everyone with poor sleep habits develops life-threatening issues. Genetics, environment, and access to healthcare can play a huge role. Also, it might be worth mentioning that while fixing sleep habits is a great solution, it’s easier said than done for some. For example, teens often use social media late at night to deal with anxiety or connect with friends. Tackling the underlying mental health reasons for late-night scrolling might be just as important as encouraging better sleep habits.
ago by Newbie (230 points)
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I really agree with your point. Getting sleep is a vital piece to help us stay healthy and live longer. This past summer as I was working a lot of hours, I wasn't prioritizing sleep as I was only getting around 3-5 hours of sleep a max a night. I could definitely tell how bad it was affecting me health. Now that I get 7-9 hours of sleep I can say I am able to function a lot better without many random crash outs throughout the day. It is also scientifically proven for humans to function better with 7-8 hours of sleep. I read your sources and really enjoyed reading them as they supported what you said. Here are some sources I read that I believe could make you said even better. https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/18/health/sleep-dementia-early-death-wellness/index.html + https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2020/06/study-reveals-guts-role-in-causing-death-by-sleep-deprivation/
ago by (150 points)
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I agree with this claim and think that is throughly backed research and is even able to be supported by individual experience. Reading into this claim and finding more information on it, not only did I see that the fact was true but also what all the other crazy benefits that are connected to sleep. The guardian is a typically trusted source, not the best but what they were saying was truthful and supported on the website I used to factcheck. Which was the National Library of Medicine, where all their claims and ideas were linked to the studies that supported them, which they used a load of studies. All in all this a truthful claim but I think that the claim could be supported by better sources.

ago by (150 points)
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Great comment eli, I really like how dove deep into the studies and datasets, it shows that you read the material and are educated on it> I would like to see you with a supporting source next time though.
ago by Newbie (230 points)
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You’re right that not getting enough sleep is linked to early death. Just a reminder though, the study shows a correlation, not that lack of sleep causes it. Other things could be involved too. Also, experts usually recommend 7-9 hours for good health.
ago by (140 points)
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I like this response a lot; you did a good job investigating the source and making sure it was viable. However, I would like to see you trace the source to see who made the original claim in the future.
ago by (120 points)
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I think that this claim can be somewhat true. Sleep is a key part of keeping the human body healthy. The body is very reactive when it's not getting something it needs to survive. You aren't going to die because you miss a night of sleep but it is more likely for you to feel bad. The mind and gut are very connected for example in the Harvard Gazette they talk about this phenomenon. Not getting enough sleep can poorly affect the gut's health which is important for the body to function. Bad gut health can equal bad health in general which in the long term can be bad and possibly lead to an earlier death. “We took an unbiased approach and searched throughout the body for indicators of damage from sleep deprivation. We were surprised to find it was the gut that plays a key role in causing death,” said senior study author Dragana Rogulja, assistant professor of neurobiology in the Blavatnik Institute at HMS. The National Institute of Health also has something to say about this. They did a study and found that "People reporting consistently sleeping 5 hours or less per night should be regarded as a higher risk group for all-cause mortality."



35 Answers

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by Novice (580 points)

In a study done by Penn State College of Medicine and published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, they found that middle-aged adults with high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, or stroke could be at increased risk for cancer and early death when sleeping less than six hours per day. They found that achieving normal sleep would protect people with these health conditions and risks. In connection with the original claim: “People who get less sleep consistently are more likely to die earlier”. There is some truth to this as less sleep can lead to death but the original claim does not specify if it applies to only those who have illnesses or if it applies to everyone.

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by Newbie (300 points)

The article claims that individuals who fail to consistently get six hours or more of sleep consistently are more likely to die earlier than those who get adequate sleep. An article written by the National Library of Medicine claims that "Our study shows an unambiguous and consistent pattern of increased risk of dying on either end of the distribution of sleep duration. Pooled analyses indicate that short sleepers (commonly < 7 h per night, often < 5 h per night) have a 12% greater risk..." This is essentially saying that individuals that sleep between 5-6 hours nightly have a 12% greater risk of dying at an earlier age than individuals who get a typical 7-8 hours. Sleep is a very important and crucial thing in order for the human body to function properly. Without proper sleep, people will start to experience symptoms like developing health issues or just being sick in general. So in this case, by reviewing this article and seeing the data provided, I can say that the original claim that getting less sleep puts people at risk for dying earlier is true. 


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ago by (180 points)

The main claim of the article states that sleeping for less than six hours may cause an increased risk of premature death. According to the evidence linked in the article, the University of Warwick did a study on the correlation between short sleep and early death. The study stated that “people who sleep for less than six hours each night were 12% more likely to die prematurely than those who get the recommended 6-8 hours.” This specific claim is also supported by the National Library of Medicine, stating that “pooled analyses indicate that short sleepers (commonly < 7 h per night, often < 5 h per night) have a 12% greater risk” of dying early. The article also states “long sleepers (commonly > 8 or 9 h per night) [have] a 30% greater risk of dying than those sleeping 7 to 8 h per night.” While it can be concluded there is enough evidence to support the original claim, it is reasonable to assume those who sleep longer are more susceptible to ill health and increased risk of dying than those who sleep less. One thing to recognize about the National Library of Medicine, the article is not an official website of the U.S. Government and does not associate with the National Institutes of Health.


Exaggerated/ Misleading
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ago by Newbie (260 points)

I agree for the most part of this article that sleep is important for everyone and not letting your body rest affects your overall health. Lack of sleep can affect you mentally, physically, and emotionally. It can worsen or create health problems for an individual that doesn't get proper sleep. The article provided has good evidence about the importance of sleep but wish they had added more into how it affects an individual. I feel that it would grab the reader's attention even more since they will see what they could potentially be facing in the future. The two articles provided below talks about the health risks more in detail, informing the reader bringing more awareness about this issue. They can read more about the pros and cons to staying up late and ways how they can improve their sleep schedule. 

Night owls may have unhealthy habits that lead to early death, study says

Sleep and longevity: How quality sleep impacts your life span


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ago by Newbie (300 points)
Not being able to get the correct amount of sleep can cause serious health issues to the human body. Studies do prove that not lack of sleep can cause an early death. There are three different sleep stages, the stage that is most restoring for the human body is stage N3, this stage is the deepest sleep a person can get to. Even if a person get 5-6 hours a sleep a night, the stage of deep sleep is lowered. When decrease that deep sleep stage it can increase cortisol levels and an increase in blood pressure. There are not the only affect that sleep deprivation can cause. Sleep is very important for the human body and is needed to live a long healthy life.




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