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in General Factchecking by Newbie (390 points) 1 flag
People who are single are happier because they are living their most authentic lives without having to worry about someone else.
by Newbie (450 points)
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while this could be true for some, I don't feel you have quite enough evidence and research to make this big of a claim.
by (100 points)
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although I agree that people should be able to be happy while single I do not agree that it is always a solution. i think different people need different things and some people are better off with someone else, i do not think this article gives enough information to make a claim that the general public is happier single
by Newbie (330 points)
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This is more of a preference rather than a fact. Everyone can have different styles and opinions, so there isn’t a way to tell if people are happier single unless everyone single feels the same way.
ago by (140 points)
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This claim is mostly rooted in biased opinion. The BuzzFeed article uses Shani Silver as an example for someone who realized they could be happy and single at the same time. It is true, you can be happy while you're single but it's all about personal preference. I found an article by Psychology Today that gave multiple different examples on how to be happy while single, which I think could be helpful for people who feel like they need a partner to live happily. I would say this claim is misleading. It should be encouraged that people learn to be single and happy, but if someone thought a partner would make them happy, that's their decision to make.
Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-angry-therapist/202402/how-to-be-happy-being-single?msockid=0db5e7c7e9996eee0cb5f2c5e8236fcc
ago by (100 points)
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While I can see how someone may believe that this claim is true, it's important to remember that everything in our lives is based off of lived experience, and from my perspective it seems like this person may have been in a relationship with someone who they were unable to be their authentic self with, and maybe that is the reason they're making this claim. There is also no research to back up this claim. There was never any statistics for this or any reputible sources that I could find.

140 Answers

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by Newbie (300 points)
The claim of this fact is "People who are single are happier" followed by a more detailed description saying, "People who are single are happier because they are living their most authentic lives without having to worry about someone else." This is a very strong claim backed up by only one source, which is BuzzFeed.news is not a very credible source. Still, it used some US Census research, which is credible. However, the US Census research only yielded the fact that it is more common to see single-person households now than before. Yet, had nothing to do with single or coupled relationships and their happiness. Although this claim may be true in some cases, it can also be false in others; this claim is very subjective, so we can't determine whether it's true or false because it varies from person to person. Therefore, I answer that this claim is neither true nor false, just a strong opinion.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Newbie (350 points)

I do see where you are coming from with saying that people who are not in relationships can gain the tendency to be independent and live their lives without having to worry about someone else's life. Although, I find people who choose to be in relationships could show to be more happy when having someone else to love them and comfort them. According to this article, it states that being in a relationship can influence emotional health and can really bring up someone's wellbeing in being positive and optimistic. I still love both sides to this question and the answers because relationships do have their ups and downs when it comes to our self being so I don't completely disagree with your claim. 


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Newbie (310 points)

People who are single are happier. - News Detective


In the article, it claims “people who are single are happier” almost immediately contradicting itself in the article the writer Hani Silver claims the most miserable years of her life are the ones most her age call the “prime dating years”. After that, she goes on to say all of her friends are happy getting married and going on vacations. While she's single she's actively looking for relationships through dating apps making her entire existence about dating. 

 Silver later in the article goes to say she just randomly woke up some day to have “set her self free” and to embrace “single hood”. 

 With how the article stands it's biased. Speaking on the general population's happiness scale correlating to relationships none of the research she gives is close to correlating to her claim that “single people are happier than those in relationships” The research studies she does give are worded in a way that maybe it could fit into her claim but there are just too many variables and not enough research is done to concretely conclude “single people are happier”  maybe she is happier since she's given up on relationships but that doesn't go for “every single person is happier.”  

A quote from an article with the link:

“The 28-year-old, who lives in Victoria, says she's "not going to be with someone unless it enhances things." As more people choose the single life, researchers ask: are they happier? | CBC News

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by Newbie (360 points)

This claim isn’t something that can be completely true or false because happiness depends on a lot of different factors. A Pew Research study found that almost half of U.S. adults think dating has become harder in the past ten years, which could mean that some people feel happier staying single instead of dealing with the stress of dating. On the other hand, a study from SAGE Journals shows that being in a happy relationship is linked to higher well-being, meaning that people who are in good relationships often feel happier than those who are single and lonely. This proves that happiness isn’t just about being single or in a relationship, it’s about feeling fulfilled in life. Some people enjoy being single because it gives them independence, while others feel happiest when they have a romantic partner. The claim that single people are always happier is too simple and ignores how personal experiences, friendships, and life situations affect happiness differently for everyone.




Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Newbie (300 points)
Claiming that single people are happier is a major claim and may excite many people in the dating world who have not found their match.  That being said, a claim like this cannot be factually backed as this statement is up for each individual's overall assessment of their situation.  The article makes the point that people who are single find more enjoyment in life doing their everyday activities, as well as conveying that alone time can bring happiness.  Although these statements may be true, they are not facts and could vary from individual to individual.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Newbie (300 points)

I think that this claim is too person specific to fully prove or disprove. There are certainly benefits to being single, the article titled “14 benefits of being single” by Bruce Y. Lee for Psychology Today, mentions a few of these benefits, such as not having to make life or career altering choices, such as moving, for a partner. That being said there are certainly benefits to being in a relationship as well. According to Northwestern Medicine as inherently social animals, humans gain many benefits from relationships, such as less stress, better healing, and healthier behaviors. In conclusion this claim is too specific to prove, and although some people may be happier single, simply saying that single people are happier is not correct.



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by Newbie (300 points)

While some single individuals report high levels of happiness, this is not universally true. Factors such as gender, personality traits, social support systems, and individual life circumstances play significant roles in determining happiness levels among single individuals. For Example, A study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science found that single women generally report higher overall well-being than single men. The researchers suggest that women benefit from stronger social support systems outside romantic relationships and are increasingly financially independent, reducing the traditional economic incentive to partner with men. Conversely, single men reported lower well-being, recognizing they might benefit more from relationships. Though there is evidence supporting and debunking the claim it really depends on each individual and their lifestyle/relationship preferences. 


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Newbie (300 points)

This is case by case issue that depends on the person. In the article posted from Buzzfeed, it uses the word "some" to say not all people are happier or healthier. I have attached an article from Psychology Today that states that studies of single people between 18-35 are generally not as happy as the partnered ones, they also found that people who dismissed relationships as unimportant were happy and content. This is a case by case issue and it's difficult to make statements about people in a concrete manner. 


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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by Newbie (400 points)

The data and surveys that are shown in this article are true. However, I think they do not clearly support this claim. There is no survey or data about whether single people are happier. She just asks a few people about their experiences and thoughts. In other words, this claim is based on personal opinion and conveniently interprets some data. As she mentioned, Pew Research Center found that "a rising share are not living with a romantic partner", but this does not mean that single people are happier. Also, she mentions the degree of interest in relationships, the survey shows more than half of men still looking for relationships, and about 40% of women are as well. As for the connection with family, friends, or neighbors, one study by Sarkisian et al. (2015) states that "couples should be able to make it on their own—both practically and emotionally, and spouses are expected to rely on each other for their day-to-day needs and to act as each other’s soul mates and confidants and, as a result, may turn less to kin, friends, and neighbors than their single counterparts." The sociability does not always relate to happiness. Single people have no choice but to ask for their support when they are in trouble. Moreover, research by Pew Research Center points out that "Single men have fallen further behind their partnered counterparts educationally" and "Looking across a range of measures of economic and social status, unpartnered adults generally have different - often worse - outcomes than those who are married or cohabiting." 




Exaggerated/ Misleading
by Newbie (480 points)
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Great response! I agree with you that this take is misleading in that the data streams strictly from people's opinions and doesn't completely take into account other factors such as lifestyle and other things. I believe that something as subjective as this cannot be proven with facts since the true deciding factor is simply someone's belief and opinion. Everybody is different, so there is always going to be a wide range of opinions about relationships and about "who's happier". I know people who are happy and there is mixed company between people who are single and people who are in relationships. Great use of evidence and data to support your answer!
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by Novice (720 points)

This statement that single people are happier is subjective and is more of an opinion or preferance rather than a fact. In this transcript from American Psychological Association, a podcast with Bella DePaulo who is a social psychologist claims that it is a myth that married or coupled people are happier than single people. DePaulo states that "it turns out that if you follow the same people over the course of their lives and ask them over and over again, 'Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you happy? How happy are you?' It turns out that when people get married they end up no happier than they were when they were single". Aditionally these claims come from a non bias reaserch center rather than Buzzfeed which can be easily skewed. All in all this claim doesn't really give enough information to compare to the happiness of people in a relationship. The idea that single people are happier is based on preferance and can not be backed up even with psychology 

Sources: https://www.apa.org/news/podcasts/speaking-of-psychology/single-life


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)

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