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ago in General Factchecking by (160 points)
People who are single are happier because they are living their most authentic lives without having to worry about someone else.
ago by (100 points)
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I do agree with the argument being made, as there are many strong points about single individuals have more time and freedom to pursue their best lives. That being said there was not a strong piece of evidence that made this claim completely valid for me. The claim that people are happier when single can me argued but I think in this case it was a generalization and can not be applicable to the majority. A majority of people marry at some point and see it as their ultimate goal in life, therefore I do not think people are always at their happiest when single.
ago by (140 points)
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Although this has become a society norm in some standards, being in a healthy relationship mainly boosts ones happiness. There are many different perspectives under this topic, and making such a broad and fact-like claim only hurts people's perceptions of relationships. It takes a lot of factors to determine someone a happy person, way more than whether they are in a relationship or not. Because of this any claim under this is more of an opinion without any data to back it up.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
This article offers useful insights, but it lacks balance by focusing only on the happiness of single people. To be fully credible, it should compare the experiences of both single people and those in relationships. Without this, the article feels biased and incomplete
ago by (100 points)
0 0
I agree with this point! Although this author did a great job presenting her audience with factual evidence, I still don't fully think there is a true way to prove her point completely. I love that you used a personal story to back yourself up, which is a great way to evaluate a claim like this one!
ago by (100 points)
0 0
The way you evaluated the source of this article was great! it is so important to make sure to check the source of your information to not fall for fake news or misinformation. I agree that BuzzFeed News is typically not a very reliable source, and there are better places to find credible information!

13 Answers

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ago by Newbie (200 points)
I think this article focuses too much on why single people are happy but doesn't really give any information to compare to the happiness of people in a relationship. Additionally, may be too subjective to make a claim.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I agree, there has not been thoruogh studies on whether or not single people are happier on average. The only study I could found that relate to this claims the oppisite, with CNN reporting that married people are happier on average (https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/09/health/marriage-happiness-wellness/index.html#:~:text=Over%20the%20survey%20period%2C%20married,year%2C%20according%20to%20the%20data.) however happiness is subjective and diffcult to define. Therefore I agree with your comment, this is more of an opinion then a real verifiable claim.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I agree with you I think its subjective to make a claim who is happier or not. Someones happiness is something that can change in an instant. A couple can be happy and then the next day it can all fall apart and they can be unhappy same goes with a single person. Allthough I believe that you are probably happier with a partner I still believe that it is hard to judge making me agree with your claim that its hard to actually find the correct answer.
ago by (100 points)
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I agree with you on the fact that the claim is subjective. Different people have different relationships, and it's not reasonable to make one whole claim off of so many different experiences. This claim is difficult to have one direct answer to.
ago by (140 points)
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I agree because it can all depend on who is being studied. There are different positions someone can be in and how that relationship is going. Single people, while they have a lot of time to focus on themselves, can be miserable without a partner and wish they had someone like that in their life.
ago by (140 points)
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I totally agree that this claim is incredibly subjective, and there are far too many moving parts to make a definitive claim on the matter. People not in relationships indeed have more time on their hands, which could be spent bettering themselves and their lives. However not all people are the same, and what's good for one person doesn't mean it's a universal truth.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I love that we are both here for an assignment lol I hope you get a good score! Also good luck on the quiz if you haven't done it yet
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ago by (140 points)
The relationship between happiness and relationship status is influenced by too many factors to be 100% true or false. Some people thrive in relationships, while others feel more fulfilled on their own.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
ago by (100 points)
0 0
I agree with you, there are too many personal factors in relationships and happiness. This makes it way too difficult to make a claim for the entire population about happiness based off of relationship status.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
This is very true because the article is very opinionated based so one person's experience won't be the next person's. It can all vary on what was going on between them vs. when they were/are single. As humans whether we like to admit it or not, we need that romantic aspect in our lives. In one shape or another.
ago by (160 points)
0 0
I think this is true because one's relationship status cannot determine happiness. It all depends on your own personal experience with a partner and there are so many different factors that go into it for each person.
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ago by (140 points)
The article explains that being single nowadays leads to greater happiness and overall enjoyment in mundane activities. The claim that "single people are happier" is subjective and can be taken from person to person. The article links data explaining the difficulties of dating and the overall rise of single people. Although, yes, dating is different from how it used to be with online dating apps and new social norms, these articles don't support the claim. The data they provide is about divorce rates which isn't enough to back up their article. I believe that this claim is too subjective and they don't provide the correct data to support their claim.


Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I like the angle that you took on this and think you brought up some interesting points. I agree that they do have a lack of data to support their argument especially when it technically not relevant. There are many reasons for divorce outside of unhappiness. I would also argue that having a partner to do the mundane activities with would cause you to find more enjoyment in them because it's another time that you get to be with someone you care about. Yes, the dating world is a lot different nowadays and I would even say that it's a lot smaller than it used to be, but I think that it's still possible to find happiness in a relationship, it may just take some work, which not everyone is willing to do. There's nothing wrong with that but just because someone doesn't want to put in the effort to find a partner doesn't mean that you're better off without one.
ago by (160 points)
0 0
In this claim, I agree that the happiness of single people is too subjective and lacks adequate supporting data. I also agree that the differences in individual experiences and the constant changing of relationships suggest that better evidence is needed to prove claims about happiness.
ago by (140 points)
0 0
I agree with you that this claim is subjective and that you can't really measure happiness. People may be happy or unhappy due to many factors in their lives whether they are single or in a partnership. I also like that you used an academic source as opposed to a political news source for this topic.
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ago by (160 points)

This article addresses a subject that is hard to prove statistically and one that varies greatly from person to person. The main claim of the article though, is that people CAN be happier when single, but there isn't necessarily a cause and effect relationship between the two. 

This article originates from Buzzfeed, which is a source that thrives off of sensational headlines and opinions. Often times while they can be interesting, Buzzfeed isn't a great source for trustworthy reporting. Focusing on specifically the author, she has written a book as well as hosted a podcast. She has experience with the topic as she has been single for a long time. This can be both good and bad for validity as she has firsthand experience with the topic and can speak from that experience, but it also leads to a lot of bias on the topic and possible exaggeration or withholding of information on the topic. 

I was looking at other articles covering the same topic, and came across this one. The article is slightly different, as it focuses on the reverse claim, that single people are less happy than people in a relationship. The article sources research data showing that people who are single are unhappier. But the article also focuses on a more important claim: "those who dismissed relationships as unimportant were more satisfied with their lives than single young adults who were less dismissive of romantic relationships."

The ultimate point of this article is that the happiness of people based on relationship isn't necessarily a result of being in a relationship, but more the mindset and views of people regarding desire for a relationship. Ultimately, this is a really cloudy topic with no definite answer based purely on the happiness of anybody who is single. The true determining factor of relationship based happiness is more what you make of being in a relationship rather than whether or not you are in one. 

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
ago by (140 points)
0 0
This article touches on a tricky topic that varies a lot from person to person. It suggests people can be happier when single, but there’s no clear cause and effect. The author has personal experience, which adds insight but also potential bias, especially since BuzzFeed tends to lean toward sensational content. In the end, happiness seems more about mindset than whether you're in a relationship or not.
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ago by (160 points)

I think there is some truth to this claim in the sense that as a single person you are less limited by a spouse and thus have less responsibilities, don't have to make time for a relationship, and certainly when it comes to dating there is a lot of money to be saved. This may set you up for a more self-fulfilling life but I would argue that for many if not most people it's within our human nature to want to have a spouse and share life's greatest memories, challenges, burdens, and victories with someone else. These are all things that would give great meaning to life and cause abundant happiness and joy, even in the midst of trial. It is even evidenced in scripture that relationships are a good thing, a gift from God and meant to fulfill us and give us happiness, "Then the Lord God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.” This is of course in reference to the creation of Eve in Genesis 2:18(ESV).(https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Genesis%202%3A18&version=ESV) 

 It is interesting the statistics we are seeing today with a general rise in loneliness in society, lots of the research is linked to friendships but there has also been great connection to fewer marriages in our day and age. I believe that people who are in a healthy relationship are much more likely to be happy and avoid loneliness far more often. According to the American Psychiatric Association stating, "...with 30% of Americans aged 18-34 saying they were lonely every day or several times a week, and single adults are nearly twice as likely as married adults to say they have been lonely on a weekly basis over the past year (39% vs. 22%)." This statistic is highly alarming as it represents a nearly 2x increase in loneliness in those who are single. I believe that loneliness would be a huge roadblock to anyone trying to live a happy life. (https://www.psychiatry.org/news-room/news-releases/new-apa-poll-one-in-three-americans-feels-lonely-e#:~:text=Younger%20people%20were%20more%20likely,22%25).)

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ago by (140 points)

This statement can be looked at through the eyes of a person who is single and someone who is in a relationship. The author who wrote this article is credible, Katie Camero, a health and wellness journalist https://www.usatoday.com/staff/8433499001/katie-camero (about her). It doesn't give enough information about people currently in a relationship or married couples. This specific article gives an intro to this idea, but not solid overall evidence. There are more articles that can show this with studies behind them with different perspectives. An example is https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/happy-together/202402/are-single-or-partnered-young-adults-happier it gives backing evidence and surveyed different people not just people who are single. 

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ago by (140 points)

The subject this article is trying to prove is too broad and there are many influencing factors to create an accurate statistic or evidence to support the claim. I am not sure BuzzFeed is the most accurate news source. The evidence they do provide does not prove much since the claim is too broad to be able to prove. Here is a study I found better explaining the claim of the BuzzFeed article. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/02654075221122887

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by (160 points)
I think this article does a really good job of showing you examples of people who are happy AND singe, but does not do a lot of work in proving that the two are at all related to each other. This article had no experiment or study that scientifically searched for a genuine answer to this question which is why I think it did not prove its point. I would also not consider buzzfeed to be the most credible source of information.
Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by (140 points)

According to Psychology Today, It is all up to personal interpretation of a relationship. If one perceives a relationship as important, they will most likely be more miserable if they are not coupled up,"They also found that those who dismissed relationships as unimportant were more satisfied with their lives than single young adults who were less dismissive of romantic relationships" was stated in the article, "Are Single or Partnered People Happier?"

Can't be true or false (Opinion, poem, etc.)
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ago by (180 points)

Buzzfeed news claims that people who are single are happier and live more authentic lives. Personally, I am skeptical of this claim right off the bat just because I feel like relationships are personal and this is a broad statement. Even with the statistics I feel like that topic is very opinion based and can be biased based off each individuals experience. When looking this statement up no other news sources credit it and buzzfeed technically is not a reliable news source to begin with. The title on this factcheck is slightly different from the articles title and has just a brief explanation of what is written so there is very minor details. Overall, I personally think this is biased and needs more evidence to back it up. 

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